Thursday 10 September 2015

Shure for Shure

I would never sing through anything else for Shure!!

After leaving home at the age of 18 in 2004, I was embarking on my adventures as an entertaining vocalist in a team of 7, I decided that I needed a microphone of my own that I could set up for myself and not have to worry about adjusting the shared microphones every time someone else used them.

My parents bought me the gift of my very own Sennheiser and after a little while of using it, the microphone itself developed a rattle and constantly interfered with the others. As we had our own on site technician he took it away and sent it off to Sennheiser for a repair, after a week or so I received a phone call from the technician to say that Sennheiser had sent it back as they would not touch it as it was a fake.

From that moment I was microphone less!!! How would my viewing public hear my voice? How could I entertain?

After a few months my parents came to the rescue and purchased a brand new Shure SM58, making sure there was a full guarantee and warranty. Whilst it was pricey I can safely say I have never looked back and it has to be the most reliable microphone I have ever used. In fact, nothing else since.
My Shure Mic and I have entertained 1000s of people UK wide!

I had one occasion whilst singing when I caught the microphone and it flung across the stage, catching my lip in the process, it came down with a bang and I thought that’s it another broken microphone. Luckily for me this mic is so durable I picked it up carried on,  and to this day, even with a dent in the head, it has continued to serve me well for the last 12 years. I still haven't had to replace him!
 My Shure SM58 has travelled around every where with me, many gigs at Holiday Parks, Social clubs and Hotels etc.

We have been in many changing rooms together, many caravans, questionable over night  accommodation  and travelled many miles. There he is by my side in the car.

He travels in his box that I also got from Shure, with his easy assemble wires and connections; always waiting for next time I get him out and we entertain the public together!

My Shure SM58 creates a beautiful sound for me the vocalist, yes I am good but I trust my Shure Microphone will help me be heard clearly and not fail me. For my
Shure SM58, what is his reward and reminder we are a team? That's easy, the many kiss shades of lipstick he has picked up from me in the past, where I've sung into and will continue to sing into him!

If any one asked me to recommend a microphone it would be Shure for Shure!!!

Me Sharing some love with my Trusted Shure!

 If you would like to find out more about Stacey Christopher, see her performance videos and stunning images, go to Face Book and type

"Stacey Christopher Female Vocalist" in the search bar.  There you will find her.

Go and Like her Facebook page, leave some comments and she loves to reply to any fans!

1 comment:

  1. I had one of these Mics too Stacey, really really good and reliable.
    Love your vocals too, keep up the good work!


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